Saturday, February 2, 2013

February Currently

Listening: I can always rely on Seinfeld when there is nothing to watch on tv. I actually own the entire series on DVD, as well as The King of Queens, but still watch them all the time. It drives my husband crazy! It's just easier to watch it on tv I think.
Loving: I'm 31 weeks pregnant and my baby boy is pretty active in there. He's always moving around!
Thinking: I can't believe how time has flown. He is a little bigger than average, so I'll be delivering him sometime between 38 and 39 weeks as of right now. He will be here before we know it!
Wanting: I have sooooo much clip art on my wishlist for this weekend's sale. I can't wait to dive into all the new units I need to create for the upcoming months!
Needing: We need a new car, preferably an SUV. We have a two door coupe that is not suitable for putting a baby in and out of. I'm hoping the snow we are supposed to get isn't too bad because we're planning on looking at one tomorrow. 
Pet Peeves: Haha, I have alot of these, but currently it drives me nuts that I have to park so far away and walk in the freezing cold while pregnant. My coat won't zip up any more because my belly is too big, LOL! We need more stores with special parking for expectant mothers and mothers with infants.

I'm linking up with.....

Click her button to link up too!

Don't forget about my TpT and TN sales this weekend as well!


Susie Q said...

Wow! Only 7 more weeks, how exciting! Is this your first, or do you have more little ones. Congratulations, and good luck in these final weeks. Hope you're sleeping well.

Learning With Susie Q

Miss Nguyen's Class said...

Congrats on your pregnancy! Definitely need a new car before the baby comes out!

AlyseC said...

One of my best friends is due around the same time you are...she is also seven weeks away from her due date! How exciting! I found you through Farley's Currently. Nice to meet you!

Keep Calm and Apple On

Covered in Glitter said...

What an adorable blog! I am glad I found you from the Currently Linky. Congratulations on your upcoming little one! Can't wait to hear updates.

Covered in Glitter and Glue

Megan said...

7 weeks! How exciting! Congrats!

I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

Unknown said...

I found your blog through the currently!! So cute!! Congrats on having a boy:) I have a little boy who is going to be 5 this month..the times goes by so fast...enjoy these precious moments!!
Newest follower here!

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Mrs. Harris said...

Your blog is too cute!! I love it! I'm your newest follower. Thanks for sharing!

~DeAnne~ said...

Love your "loving" on your Currently!! What a nice feeling!!

What a pretty blog you have here! I'm a new follower! :)

First Grade and Fabulous

Suzan Baker said...

Well, I would address the new car issue first. It will be impossible after the baby.
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Patricia Carter said...

By the looks of it. I would say that you are having one hell of a day.
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Suzan Baker said...

These are some pretty great pointers to be following.
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