Alot has been going on since my last blog post! I'm officially revealing to the blogging world that I'm 19 1/2 weeks pregnant with a baby boy.
He's due 4/4/13 and this is our first child. My husband and I are very excited for his arrival!! It was also my blog's one year birthday on November 2nd.
Can you believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner?? With the arrival of Thanksgiving, the holidays will come very quickly. Here are some things I did with my kindergartners last school year for Thanksgiving:
The turkey hat was something I found on Pinterest from Family Fun. Click the link to find it on their website:
Turkey Headband
The Coffee Filter Turkey is an easy craft because it doesn't involve that many patterns. Start by having the students color on a coffee filter with markers, then spray the coffee filter with water from a spray bottle. The colors may run, so be sure to be careful when doing this. Trace a large and small brown circle for the body, a red waddle, two small yellow triangles for his feet, and a diamond {rhombus} for his beak.
If you're still looking for stuff to do, check out my Thanksgiving Literacy & Social Studies Unit or craftivities! Click the each picture to find it in my TpT store.

This 48 page Thanksgiving unit focuses on literacy and social studies,
but there is one math activity! The following is included in this unit:
"Thanksgiving Dinner" emergent readers {sight word focus on: we, will, have}
Favorite Thanksgiving food bar graph printable {includes large color pictures to make class graph}
2 "Making Words" printables with the letters in turkeys & pilgrim
Thanksgiving Beginning Sounds printable w/ answer key
Thanksgiving Syllables printable w/ answer key
Thanksgiving Word Scramble printable w/ answer key
"I am Thankful" writing page {two versions-one with lines, one without}
13 Word Wall Words
Word Cards {for Memory, Write the Room, pocket chart, etc.}
Write the Room printable
"Thanksgiving Thanks" printable board game {to be used with your own sight words or math facts}
Text to Self Connections printable {goes with "The Amazing Turkey Rescue" by Steve Metzger}
Venn diagram {turkeys & birds}
3 "can, have, are" graphic organizers {turkeys, pilgrims, Native Americans}
3 describing bubble maps {turkeys, pilgrims, Native Americans}
Suggested Thanksgiving books to use

Meet Peter Pilgrim, Patty Pilgrim, and Tommy Turkey!! They are three
adorable characters all ready for your students to create for
Choose one for all students to make or allow students to have a choice.
There are different patterns for each character, but a few of them will
be used for all of them. All patterns are labeled accordingly.
There are three different writing pages to choose from.
“My Thanksgiving Dinner”
“The Story of the Pilgrims”
“Save a Turkey! Eat More ________!”
I have also included an extra page with just lines in case you have
students who write more. You can simply attach it behind the first page,
so it can be flipped up when read!

This little turkey has everything you need to make an adorable
craftivity for Thanksgiving time while working on writing at the same
time! Have you ever asked a child how to make a turkey? The answers will
have you laughing, trust me!
writing planning sheet
five different feathers to print (first, next, then, after that,
finally)-These come in two different versions, one to write and one to
I'd like to giveaway all three of these to one of my followers. All you have to do is follow the direction on the rafflecopter below and I'll pick a winner on Tuesday at midnight!! Good luck!!